Friday, July 15, 2016

5 Dumbbell Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Most people try to burn stomach fat by doing crunches or sit-ups. This is not the way to go. You can burn stomach fat by doing exercises that target other muscle groups as well. In fact, it can be more effective.

Dumbbell Exercises

This is why I want to share with you the following 5 dumbbell exercise to lose belly fat. They can prove to be an excellent addition to your workouts and help you get awesome results quickly.

Chest presses

Lie on a workout bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Hold the dumbbells with bent elbows by your chest. With both hands, press the dummbells upward until your arms are completely straight. Exhale during the press. Bring the dumbbells slowly back to the starting position. This is primarily a chest exercise but it will burn fat from your entire body.


Doing squats is hard with or without dumbbells. The extre weight just makes this exercise that much harder to perform. Make sure to use weight which doesn't force you to break the right form and don't go into squats that are too deep for your own good.

Bicep Curls on a bosu ball

While a bicep curl targets the biceps, an easy way to add a little abdominal strain to it is to stand on a bosu ball while performing the exercise. Standing on a bosu ball requires you to use the stabilizing muscles in your abs so you're getting a double benefit from this exercise. You do the curl in the ordinary way: just curl the dumbbells up with your biceps. Make sure to not tilt your body or use your back to pull the dumbbell.

Crunch with dumbbell

One way to make a stomach exercise harder with dumbbells is to do a crunch with it. There are two ways you can use a dumbbell to make this exercise harder: hold it behind your head or place it on your chest.

I recommend placing the dumbbell on your chest as holding it against your head may cause you to bend it forward, straining your neck. Other than that, you do the crunch regularly.

Stability ball exercises

Similarly to a bosu ball, a stability ball also helps to bring your stabilizing muscles into the action. You lie on the ball and can do a wide range of exercises to target your chest, back, triceps and shoulders. These can include lying tricep extensions, chest flies, and so on.

As you can see, you have many choices. Make the most of them in your workouts.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How to Gain 10 Pounds of Muscle Quickly

There is a range of ideal weight. No one wants to be obese, and no one wants to be absolutely skinny. Skinny men don't like the beach. Taking off the shirt to expose a skinny sickly looking body can be embarrassing. The difference between being awkwardly skinny and being in the ideal weight range is usually a difference of only a few pounds. Adding ten pounds of muscle can usually make the difference. How to gain 10 pounds of muscle, however, is the question.

How to Gain 10 Pounds

If you're anorexic, you have a serious problem and could use medical help and advice. Most skinny people, however, are not anorexic. They eat well, but burn up the energy quickly because of their super fast metabolism. Many of these people don't understand that it is not necessarily what you eat that determines the level of weight gain, but when you eat. By changing your eating habits you can experience how to gain 10 pounds of muscle in a month.

If you're seriously skinny and are eating your traditional three meals each day without any noticeable results, try eating six smaller meals each day. Try it. What do you have to lose? Make sure that these six meals are filled with good complex carbohydrates and rich in protein. You should see some positive results in a very short time. Avoid eating at fast food restaurants and eating processed foods. Eat high quality foods like sweet potatoes, pasta, chicken, tuna, lean red meats, and lots of fruit. You will begin to see the pounds increase. Once you start gaining weight, you'll want to be sure that it goes to the right places on your body. This is where weight training comes into the picture for adding muscle mass.

If you don't have the time for the recommended six smaller meals each day, replace some of them with high protein shakes or other meal replacement supplement drinks. Eat some peanut butter and ice cream to add a few delicious calories. If you focus upon this level of eating and practice some good muscle building routines, you'll see how to gain 10 pounds of muscle fast.

If you're not exactly sure as to how to proceed to gain 10 pounds of muscle, check on line. There are a number of meal plans designed just for the purpose discussed above. You're not the only hard gainer out there. Many skinny people have brought their weight up into the ideal range by simply eating differently and exercising to build muscle mass.

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Saturday, June 18, 2016

1500 Calorie Diet - Following an Easy Diet Menu to Quick Weight Loss

The key to losing weight is to go on a lower calorie diet than your normal one. Just like most of us you probably have quite a busy lifestyle to start a restrictive diet, so the optimal solution would be the 1500 calorie diet. It is not extremely restrictive, but highly effective. Still, you have to use a few basic rules to make it work optimally.

1500 Calorie Diet

Generally weight gain is one vicious cycle that is not easy to get out of. You eat more because you are under stress and take pleasure from the extremely delicious, but very unhealthy foods. Being overweight causes your body to lose its elegance and beauty and as a result you become less confident in yourself and even angered. In turn you get more depressed and you keep eating. What is even worse is that due to your job and daily duties you simply do not have the time to exercise and to cook healthy meals. However, you need to find motivation and stop all this if not for the sake of your looks then for your health. The 1500 calorie diet is the optimal choice.

This type of nutritional plan will not make you starved. This means that you will be less likely to go to any kind of extremes and that you will be able to keep your motivation. The result is effective weight loss - you will be able to fit into smaller cloths plus your belly fat will be gone for good. The general shape of your figure will be much slender and elegant, which always helps for the good self esteem, for the easier and more effective communication and for success in general. All you need to do is to adopt the 1500 calorie diet, which is diverse, nutritional and easy to keep. It is not true that the more restrictive nutritional plan will provide you with quick results.

The 1500 calorie diet does not involve the exclusion of a nutrient group, but this does not mean that you can eat everything. Excluding the junk food from your menu and reducing the sweets in it substantially is essential for success. It is best to have four to five meals a day - breakfast, lunch and preferably two snacks. Drinking plenty of water also helps - apart from keeping you full and reducing the hunger pangs, it aids the metabolism, which allows for the more effective burning of fat. You can take a ready 1500 calorie dietary plan, but you can also make one of your own. Simply prepare your menu for the week by doing basic calculations. Do not be afraid to exceed the limit by a few calories.

It can be safely said that the 1500 calorie diet is the optimal nutritional plan for any busy modern day woman or man. You can enjoy it and its benefits to the fullest starting from today. The results will be quick to come since your body will use only the necessary amounts of energy without you experiencing any health side effects or general problems.

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